  class notes

Open Circuit Transmission Line

An open circuited transmission line reflects all forward-propagating waves completely, with G=1.  This makes for a beautiful example of constructive and destructive interference.

Open Circuit Voltages

  • Notice how the total voltage doubles up at the load end of the line.  This is a peak of constructive interference.  If we were graphing current instead of voltage, the forward-propagating and backward-propagating current waveforms would completely and destructively interfere at the end of the line -- no current can flow through an open circuit.
  • The standing wave interference pattern has the highest possible voltage peaks and the lowest possible voltage nulls (at 0 V).  On this 4l-line, how many places could you place a voltmeter and not measure any voltage drop from the top line to the bottom?
  • Notice that VSWR goes to infinity for this voltage envelope.  What does this mean physically?

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