Channel Modeling for Mobile Repeater

                             Zhe Fan, Student of Georgia Institute of Technology 4/21/1004









The  Shinkansen  provides  an  easier  and  faster  way  of

transportation.   It  travels  up  to  260km  per  hour;  it  is

the fastest  road  transportation  device  today.  However,

moving at  such speed provides a harsh radio propagation

environment for cellular phones.  Because of the scattering

mechanism in mobile and portable radio communications,

the received  signal  is  usually  composed  of the multiple

reflected waves from different paths.  The vector addition

of multiple signals can result in a distorted signal and may

cause amplitude  dropout at receiver  known as multipath

fading [1].   When  the  train  is  moving  at  top speed, in

addition  to  multipath  fading,  the  situation  is  further

complicated because of the presence of small-scale fading

due to multipath waves that all originate from the serving

base station.  The received signal power will fluctuate severely due to the fading, and it is impossible to connect to a base station while the train is moving at a high speed. 





II.               Channel Modeling


In order to solve this problem, transmitter and receiver antennas are installed on the top of each lead car (Figure 1).  This will maintain communication with one or more base stations near the train, performing all of the high-speed hand-offs during travel.  The receive antennas will maintain the communications with one or more base stations near the train at all times, performing all of the high-speed hand-offs during travels.  The transmit antenna will communicate with the passengers’ cellular phones, relaying the data to the outdoor base stations.




Figure 1. Receiver and transmitter antenna on top of lead car.
























To be able to truly understand how this works, first we will model the multipath channel with the appropriate set of received plane waves.  The common frequency used for cell phone is around 1.9 GHz.  A good model of azimuth spectrum in this band :






The constant A is average received power which will varies on different power received from each base station, however it will not have significant affect on the distribution or the statistics of fading.  In the model we are studying, 10 is used for A in the code.  θ0  is the azimuth direction of peak arrival.  We are only studying 0 and 90 degrees azimuth direction in the model for simplicity purpose.  The value θ1  is the thickness of the distribution.  When a train is traveling in a rural area, the signal has less reflection, hence it has a relatively small θ1; when the train is traveling in an urban area, the signal has more reflection due to higher density of objects around, and hence it has a relatively larger θ1.  The θ1 is 3 degrees in rural area and θ1 is 120 degrees in urban area.  Figure 2 describes all the four cases of multipath wave interference.




Figure 2(a). Azimuth spectrum in rural area at 90 degrees angle arrival.


Figure 2(b). Azimuth spectrum in rural area at 0 degree angle arrival.





















Plot 1 and plot 2 show the small-scale fading in rural area.  The antenna received less interferences in open area, the antennas only switched two, three times, the sampling rate for rural are is relatively small.  If we look at plot 3 and plot 4, they are the small-scale fading in urban area, the signal is transmitted in a more complicated multipath channel due to reflection.  The graph fluctuates severely, the antenna switches much more frequently, the plot require much higher sampling rate.




III.           Conclusion


After running the simulation, we discovered that when the train is traveling in urban area, the level-crossing rate is higher, and the fading duration is lower (Plot of level-crossing rate and fading duration for urban area).  This is indicating that in a multipath channel, the signal fluctuates severely (Plot of the fading in urban area), the fading is combination of multipath fading and small-scale fading.  When the train is traveling  in rural area, the level-crossing rate is lower, and the fading duration is higher (Plot of level-crossing rate and fading duration for rural area).  This is indicating that in an open area, the signal fluctuates less severely (Plot of the fading in rural are), the fading is mostly due to small-scale fading.  The level-crossing rate at urban area is much higher than the one at rural area, thus we can conclude that the frequency of antenna switching in urban area is much higher than the one at rural area.  The level-crossing rate at urban area has a maximum of 375, according to this number, every level-crossing must have at least two samples to acquire an accurate result, hence the recommended sampling rate is approximately 750/s.   






IV.           Appendix


1.     Matlab code for rural area

2.     Matlab code for urban area

3.     Plots

Plot 1. Fading in rural area with azimuth angle of 0 degree
































Plot 2. Fading in rural area with azimuth angle of 90 degrees

































Plot 3. Fading in rural area with azimuth angle of 0 degree.

































Plot 4. Fading in rural area with azimuth angle of 90 degree.


































Plot 5. Level-crossing rate and average fading duration in rural area with azimuth angle 90 degree.


































Plot 6. Level-crossing rate and average fading duration in rural area with azimuth angle 90 degrees.




































Plot 7. Level-crossing rate and average fading duration in urban area with azimuth angle 0 degree.


































Plot 8. Level-crossing rate and average fading duration in urban area with azimuth angle 90 degrees






































V.              Reference



[1.]  Wang, Li-Chung, Channel Modeling and Architecture for Cellular-Based Personal Communications.  School of Electrical and            

        Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1996

[2.]  Durgin, Gregory D., Space-Time Wireless Channels.  Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc, 2003

[3.]  Durgin, Gregory D., Theory of Multipath Shape Factor for small-scale fading Wireless Channels
