Signal Propagation Modeling Using Fourier Synthesis to Optimize the Friss Free Space Equation Through Iterated Variation of Parameters.


Andrew Seltzman

Georgia Institute of Technology

(Dated: April, 27 2006)



       I.      Introduction


            Signal propagation modeling plays a vital role in modern microwave communications as variations in signal strength due to antenna pattern and terrain effects can influence the reliability and fading of a given radio link. With the advent of modern satellite generated terrain maps, it is possible to accurately derive a model for terrain diffraction effects based on surface slope and receiver location. The use of a simulated received signal strength model will allow selection of a transmission system’s characteristics and location to optimize coverage thereby minimizing signal dropout potentially saving millions of dollars over the design lifetime of the system.



    II.      Propagation Model


The basic model (1) of RF propagation relies on the Friss free space equation, as a function of distance, gain, wavelength, and effective radiated power, assuming even terrain effect represented in the path loss exponent n, and isotropic power radiation by the transmission antenna.




            This model can be further improved by analyzing the azimuthal and elevation power distributions of the transmission antenna as well as terrain diffraction effects allowing a higher accuracy in signal strength estimation. The improved model (2) includes a terrain diffraction term calculated from the angle of incidence between an incoming plain wave and the slope on the surface of the terrain.




It is now possible to optimize the model by solving for the azimuthal and elevation power spectrum with a correct distribution function generated by a Fourier synthesis. Since any arbitrary function can be synthesized with a Fourier series it is no longer necessary to know the form of the function to be generated. The directional gain of an arbitrary antenna radiation pattern can be represented by a suitable Fourier synthesis involving a series of superimposed cosine functions (3) with optimized gain coefficients .




The standard deviation (4) used to check the accuracy of the propagation model is a function of  for each measured point on the map, allowing a global minimum in  to exist for each point. Since a global minimum exists for each individual point, a global minimum exists for the function.




The presence of a function with a global minimum allows optimization of the model by using variation of parameters to minimize the standard deviation function. Variation of parameters utilizes the zero crossing of the first derivatives of a multivariable function to determine the global minimum and is routinely utilized in optimization problems. The standard deviation with respect to a given variable  is determined numerically and subsequently minimized. By the definition of multivariable derivatives (5), the exact derivative of the standard deviation occurs when the partial derivatives of a function equal 0 simultaneously.




Therefore the global minimum of a multivariable function occurs when the function is simultaneously minimized with respect to each of its variables.


            Normally, the global minimum of the function would have to be computed by simultaneously adjusting the individual variables to the minimizing valve, however if the derivatives are linearly independent, the minima of the function can be found by iterating variation of parameters on each variable in succession without invalidating the determined minimizing value of previously determined variables.


Exploiting the linear independence between cosine terms (6) in the Fourier series, variation of parameters can be applied to minimize the standard deviation of the propagation model with respect to a given Fourier coefficient without requiring successive corrections to previously determined coefficients of a lower order.




An optimum model for relieved signal strength can therefore be computed by using variation of parameters to minimize a models standard deviation during successive addition of Fourier coefficients. The resulting series can be used to precisely model the antennas radiation pattern as derived from the measurement data provided on the map.


            Further optimization of the propagation model can be accomplished by modeling terrain reflection and shadowing. The X and Y slopes of the terrain can be calculated from the gradient (7), allowing the angle of incidence on the surface to be computed by subtracting the incidence angle from the angle of the slope.




Assuming vertical polarization, the component of the plane wave in a given direction is multiplied by the cosine of the angle between its incidence and the slope of the surface. The resulting function simulates the doubling of a vertical polarized wave with a near tangential incidence at far distances. The previous equation is added to the Y axis component and the sum is added to the received signal strength, providing an approximate model of terrain reflection and shadowing.

       I.      Predicted Signal Coverage


The provided 4 measurement and terrain maps were utilized to model the propagation of a plane wave across an uneven terrain. The resulting model provided both low standard deviation and mean error as given in figure 1. The four known coverage maps and their respective predictions are given below.


   Site Cell_Info_A, mean of -6.76 dB, std dev of 9.45 dB

   Site Cell_Info_B, mean of -0.06 dB, std dev of 7.62 dB

   Site Cell_Info_C, mean of -0.55 dB, std dev of 7.44 dB

   Site Cell_Info_D, mean of -5.89 dB, std dev of 10.58 dB


Average Error of (mean = 3.3 dB, sigma = 8.8 dB) for 4 site(s)


Raw Performance Score (RPS): 8.9

Figure 1. Propagation model accuracy.

















    II.      Conclusions


The determined model accurately predicts signal coverage over uneven terrain, however it should be noted that due to the relative flatness of the maps in use and the optimization of the model, the terrain correction is negligible when compared to that of the antenna pattern and Friss free space equation. In these cased of open landscape and direct propagation over relatively smooth ground, more consideration should be given to the design of the antenna in order to insure proper signal coverage, however when used in a cluttered area such as a city or mountainous terrain a different model should be developed in order to provide accurate results.

This model can be used by cellular designers to provide insight into how signals from a given system will propagate allowing optimization of antenna pattern and election in order to provide best coverage and minimal signal dropout.






 III.      References



[1] G. Durgin “Overview of the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction” Dec. 3, 1998.


[2] G. Durgin “Large scale path loss” Class Notes, Spring 2006






  IV.      Appendix A: Propagation Model Code


function [ret,model] = sprop(Cell_Info_X)

%propegation model

% usage:

%       [ret] =

%       Cell_Info_X = input struct




%warning off MATLAB:divideByZero


[M,N] = size(Cell_Info_X.terrain);                     %dimentions M rows(hight) by N columns(width)

azimuth = Cell_Info_X.cellSite.azimuth;             %transmitter azimuth angle azimuth=0 on y+ axis

eirp = Cell_Info_X.cellSite.eirp;                   %transmitter EIRP

BSx = Cell_Info_X.cellSite.BSx;                     %transmitter x position

BSy = Cell_Info_X.cellSite.BSy;                     %transmitter y position

freq = 1e6*Cell_Info_X.cellSite.freq;               %transmitter frequency in mhz * 1e6 Hz/MHz

cellSize = Cell_Info_X.cellSite.cellSize;           %size of each pixel in meters

AGL = Cell_Info_X.cellSite.height;                  %antenna height AGL

terrain = double(Cell_Info_X.terrain);              %terrain in meters ASL double format

ASL = AGL + terrain(BSy,BSx);                       %antenna height ASL

[FX,FY] = gradient(terrain);                        %X (L to R) and Y (T to B) gradients of terrain (slope in meters of elevation per pixel)




c = 3e8;                 %speed of light

lambda = c/freq;


%variation of parameters data


Gr = 78;                           %Receiver gain

n = 1.86;                          %path loss exponent


gamma0 = 1;                        %azmuthial radiation pattern fourier coefficient F0

gamma1 =  0.022;                   %F1

gamma2 =  0.005;                   %F2

gamma3 = -0.017;                   %F3

gamma4 =  0.002;                   %F4

gamma5 =  0.0075;                  %F5

gamma6 = -0.002;                   %F6

gamma7 = -0.007;                   %F7

gamma8 = -0.009;                   %F8

gamma9 =  0.003;                   %F9


delta0 = 1;                        %elevation radietion pattern fourier coefficient F0

delta1 = 0.075;                    %F1

delta2 = 0.007;                    %F2

delta3 = 0.000;                    %F3

delta4 = 0.000;                    %F4


%terrain coefficients

terrv0 = -0.17;


%initilize prediction matrix





for I = 1:N,     %(width X(to right))

    for J = 1:M, %(hight Y(top down))


        r=sqrt((cellSize^2)*((I-BSx)^2+(J-BSy)^2)+(ASL-terrain(M,N))^2);    %distance in meters to observer

        phi=atan2(-(J-BSy),I-BSx)-pi/2;                                     %angle with respect to phi=0 on y-axis -phi = cw, phi=-pi/2 for x, phi=pi/2 for -x

        theta=atan2(terrain(J,I)-ASL,cellSize*sqrt((I-BSx)^2+(J-BSy)^2));   %elevation angle of incident wave


        %azimuth patern factor

        az=(gamma0-gamma1*cos(azimuth-phi)-gamma2*cos(2*(azimuth-phi))-gamma3*cos(3*(azimuth-phi))-gamma4*cos(4*(azimuth-phi))-gamma5*cos(5*(azimuth-phi))-gamma6*cos(6*(azimuth-phi))-gamma7*cos(7*(azimuth-phi))-gamma8*cos(8*(azimuth-phi))-gamma9*cos(9*(azimuth-phi)) );

        el=(delta0-delta1*cos(theta)-delta2*cos(2*theta) );                 %elevation pattern factor


        Sy=abs(cos(phi));           %signal y component cos since phi=0 on y axis

        Sx=abs(sin(phi));           %signal x component

        %                   vert comp on x slope                          vert comp on y slope 

        terrv= ( Sx*cos(-sin(phi)*atan2(FX(J,I),30)-theta) + Sy*cos(-cos(phi)*atan2(FY(J,I),30)-theta));        %terrain diffraction factor


        point = eirp + terrv0*terrv + Gr - 20*log(4*pi/lambda) - 10*n*log(r)*az*el; %calculate recieved signal strength


        if point < -114,            %limit value to above -114dB

            pred(J,I)= -114;


            pred(J,I)= point;







ret=Cell_Info_X.cellSite;      %return transmitter attributes