Benin Satellite Systems


Relay Satellite to Earth Link Budget

The following are the engineering calculations for the power received from the Probe to the Relay Satellite:

For the antenna, the following calculations yield the gain of the Relay Satellite dish antenna as well as that of the DSN:

Here is the noise and gain data for the components:

Here power and noise is calculated for each stage. Notice that FDMA is being implemented with a 20 kHz buffer between channels.

As can be seen, the final SNR achieved is 7.04 dB. This gain is achieved through the combined use of CDMA (1024 chips/bit) and high quality low noise amplifiers.

Bit Error Rate (BER)

Turbo coding is used throughout the links. As such, the following graph from the textbook (see links page for citation) illustrates the expected BER:

Thus, no errors are expected to be received in this link.


Probe to Relay Satellite - Relay Satellite to Earth

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Last updated: 12/06/04.