Final project: The Martian Network
6. Cost Estimation
Our system includes:
6 satellites
each of the 3 ASS satellites communicates with Earth at transmit power 100 Watts
each of the 3 ASS satellites communicates with 2 other satellites at transmit power 10 Watts
each of the 3 satellies in the polar orbit communicates with 1 ASS satellite at transmit power 10 Watts
each satellite covers the surface of Mars with a signal at transmit power of 10 Watts
each of the 50 terminals transmits at 1 Watt
The estimated costs are:
200 million dollars / satellite
1 million dollars / 1 Watt of power
The total estimated cost is hence: 6*200 + 3*100 + 6*10 + 3*10 + 6*10 + 50*1 =
1 billion 700 million dollars