| |
Line with
High Loss |
Here is an example of a lossy transmission line. The electrical
parameters of the line are R=1 W/m, L=1e-6
H/m, G=1e-3 Siemens/m, and C=1e-10 F/m. The frequency of
excitation is 1 MHz. |
Voltages for a High Loss Line |
Notes: |
- Z0 is complex, which is the key sign that this is a lossy line.
The forward wave has that characteristic exponential taper.
- The open circuit reflects all sinusoidal waves, creating some
standing waves at the end of the line. Note, however, that the
line is so lossy that there are no standing waves on the source side
or middle portion; the reflected wave dies out quickly and cannot
contribute to constructive and destructive interference.