Benin Satellite Systems


NASA Deep Space Network

The NASA Deep Space Network - or DSN - is an international network of antennas that supports interplanetary spacecraft missions and radio and radar astronomy observations for the exploration of the solar system and the universe. The network also supports selected Earth-orbiting missions. The DSN currently consists of three deep-space communications facilities placed approximately 120 degrees apart around the world: at Goldstone, in California's Mojave Desert; near Madrid, Spain; and near Canberra, Australia. This strategic placement permits constant observation of spacecraft as the Earth rotates, and helps to make the DSN the largest and most sensitive scientific telecommunications system in the world. Additional information can be found at their website. A great MPEG video about the DSN can be viewed by clicking here.

The DSN is used to communicate between earth and the relay satellite. The DSN supports the following frequencies:

The relay satellite transmits at 2.3 GHz and receives commands at 1.225 GHz (the control module has been left to the Controls Group to design and will be engineered based on their specifications).

Receive Antenna Characteristics

The dish antennas employed by the DSN are 34 meters in diameter, have a system temperature of 20 Kelvin, and an aperture efficiency of .94. The photo at left is of the Madrid, Spain DSN antenna.

Communications Block Diagram

NASA photo of sheep flocking around Deep Space Network antenna at Madrid, Spain

While the DSN system is set, certain components have been highlighted for use to ensure a healthy link budget. They are outlined below, with the curtailed block diagram above.

Component Brand Model Specs Price
Low Noise Amplifier AetherComm LNA 0.3-2.6-1.0 25 dB Gain, 300 MHz - 2.6 GHz Not Given
Band Pass Filter Pacific Aerospace & Electronics Custom Built 2.3 GHZ center freq Not Given
Mixer Dallas Maxim MAX2685   $1.40
Low Pass Filter Integrated in Amplifier      
Amplifier AetherComm LNA 0.3-2.6-1.0 50 dB Gain, 280-300 MHz BW Not Given
Demodulator Dallas Maxim MAX2721 QPSK, 2.1-2.5 GHz $3.50
PN Decoder Texas Instruments CDMA2000 1X Integrated Filter, Amp, and SS Encoder Not Given
Turbo Decoder ComBlock COM-7001 Rate .25 - .97; 64b-4kb Block Length $375.00

Geometry - Probes - Relay Satellite - DSN

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Last updated: 12/06/04.