Project Overview

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) recently awarded us a Phase I small-business innovative research (SBIR) grant to design a Martian Positioning System. The field of applicants for this next round of funding is competitive, with 5 other private companies also competing for a lucrative, multi-year Phase II contract.
Team Members:
Matthew Jones
Jacob Leemaster
Jerome Tring
Edgar Xie
Ted Wilcox
System Components
Our proposed Martian Positioning System can be divided into 5 sections:
- Communications -- antennas, RF hardware, modulation, spectral usage, peak data output, etc.
- Location Finding -- location estimate accuracy, error sources, RX antenna measurement
- Spacecraft Systems -- power source, peak power output, estimated lifetime, rocket type and weight, fuel estimates, etc.
- Orbital Mechanics -- path to Mars, travel duration, launch site, satellte attitude controls, trajectory sensing and correction, etc.
- Project Planning -- total mission cost broken into materials, equipment, supplies, people costs, space resources, service and maintenance, and other miscellaneous costs, including overhead, plus schedule of project milestones.