

Communications Components*
Component Raw Price(USD) Factor Space Hardened Price (USD)
BPSK Modulator: ComBlock COM-1402 295 4 1180
BPSK Demodulator: ComBlock COM-1001 295 4 1180
Ka-band Block upconverter 1000   1000
LNA: NEC/Toshiba Space Systems Ka-band LNA 1000   1000
Ka-band Downconverter: NEC/Toshiba Space Systems 1000   1000
Antenna: HDA antenna (custom design) 10000   10000
Propulsion System **
Power System ***
Component Individual Number per Relay/Probe Number of Relays/Probe USD
RTG 1000000 4 10 40,000,000
Total Cost       1.60204E12

* Prices for communications electronics were based on instances of common commercially available components. When prices were not available, they were estimated. For components that were not space hardened, a factor of four was used to estimate the increased price

** Prices for the propulsion system were extrapolated based on the propulsion system costs for other space probesPropulsion Cost Chart
Fig.1: Mission Cost versus Total Spacecraft Mass

Mission costs can be broadly estimated from the mass of the spacecraft. The fig.1 provides cost estimation (blue line) of spacecraft Mission with respect to the Total Spacecraft Mass. If we assume the linear extrapolation can still be used for our interstellar mission (M=1,250t), the estimated cost of this mission will be $M 178,000*9=$M 1,602,000 which is about 13% of the American GDP.

This cost value is a big approximation since it is based on the current cost of spacecraft launcher. For our interstellar travel, we will use a new and state of the art non-chemical propulsion system which require several years of Research and development. The Research and development cost is very difficult to estimate in this case.

Propulsion Cost Estimation:
Total liquid hydrogen volume: 18,436 l
Total liquid hydrogen cost: $55,309

*** Power System Cost

The primary component to the power system of each relay and the probe is the RTG, therefore the price for the power system was based on the value of a single RTG. Each relay as well the probe has 4 RTGs.

Price of RTG

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