Venus Horizon
Satellite Systems

Building Equipment so Tough, that It Survives Venus

Venus Hardened Electronics

Due to the extreme temperatures on Venus, the current best technology available is Silicon Carbide. An example from NASA is seen below.

Silicon Carbide Electronics [1]

This technology has been demonstrated as early as 2007 and shown good performance at 500C for over 5000 hours. There will reasearch and development costs to convert some of the electronics to Silicon Carbide, but some of the materials such as the Seismometer in [2] have already been temperature hardened.

[1] G. W. Hunter, "Long-Lived Venus Lander Technologies: A Brief Discussion Of Technologies Relevant to Long-lived Landers For Venus Exploration," presented at the Seventh Meeting of the Venus Exploration and Analysis Group (VEXAG), NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 2009.

[2] G. W. Hunter, et al., "Discussion of Venus Seismometry," presented at the Eigth Meeting of the Venus Exploration and Analysis Group (VEXAG), NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 2010.