Venus Horizon
Satellite Systems

Building Equipment so Tough, that It Survives Venus

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is this all about?
A: This was a design project at Georgia Tech for ECE6390, Satellite Communications and Navigation during Summer 2013.

Our syllabus is here: Syllabus
Our project statement is here: Project Statement
Our peer evaluation sheet is here: Peer Evaluation Sheet

Q: Where did all the images come from?
A: Some came from NASA or a variety of research papers and presentations. Every page has citations. The background and banner are cited on the Home page.

Q: What is the background image?
A: That is a radar map of Venus made by the 1990-1994 Magellan mission.

Q: Where is the Logo/Company Name/Slogan from?
A: The logo was built using Adobe® Illustrator®. Otherwise, partial credit belongs to Jenny Schabell, significant other to one of the project members, for suggesting changing out the name from very discipline specific to a more recognizable association.

Also, any aesthetic appeal of the website or logo is due to her suggestions.