Time-Harmonic Transmission Lines (THT)
Lecture THT01: Reveiew of the Phasor Transform
readings: Notes on Phasors
notes: THT1 notes
problems: THT1 skills
links: Phasor Phactory
Lecture THT02: Sinusoids on Transmission Lines
readings: Peterson Notes 13
notes: THT2 notes
problems: THT2 skills
links: robots and t-lines
Lecture THT03: Open- and Short-Circuit Loads on Time-Harmonic Lines
readings: Peterson Notes 14
notes: THT3 notes
problems: THT3 skills
links: standing wave video
Lecture THT04: Arbitrary Loads on Time-Harmonic Lines
readings: Peterson Notes 15
notes: THT4 notes
problems: THT4 skills
links: sinusoidal t-line movies
Lecture THT05: Lossy Transmission Lines
readings: Peterson Notes 16
notes: THT5 notes
problems: THT5 skills
links: John Napier, transatlantic telegraph

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