The ADC will allow VIRGILs to interface with the ES-T. The Basalt will sample the at a frequency of 100Hz and will output to our processor in 3 byte chunks when a seismic event is detected. Like the processor, SiCLOPS will remove the Basalt from it's enclosure and mount it in the VIRGIL module. Data will be streamed over 10BaseT to the processor. Additionally, SiCLOPS plans on using the trigger on the Basalt to filter out erroneous seismic measurements from steady state/non-harmonic events (weather, wind, etc.)A block diagram of critical components of the Basalt can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Functional diagram of the Kinemetrics Basalt.

Figure 2 shows the BASALT computer in it's production housing [1].

Figure 2. Basalt Accelerograph. Courtesy of Kinemetrics [1].
[1] "Basalt High Dynamic Range, IP Aware, Communication Centric Accelerograph," Kinemetrics, Inc, Pasadena, CA. Internet:, Sept. 9, 2013 [July 23, 2014].