VagaLune SarL

About Google Lunar X Prize
About VagaLune SarL
Rocket Specifications
Rocket Launch
Orbit Specifications
Moon Rover
Lunar Module
Landing Specifications
Link Budget
  >>   Antennae
Comm Systems
Project Execution
Pre-Launch Schedule
Launch Day Schedule
Post-Launch Schedule
Project Management
Parts Listing
Cash Flow
Welcome to the Project Design Page for the Google Lunar X Prize as engineered and presented by VagaLune SarL, a private corporate entity formed for the purposes of meeting the design requirements for the X Prize. A common menu bar is standard on the left side of every page of the site making navigation through our research and design material easy and straightforward. We hope that educators in math, science and history fields find useful resources in what we have accomplished, and especially from the NASA and other sites on our References page. To corporate and engineering, we hope you enjoy our strategy and approach toward sending a rover to the moon. And to everyone else who surfs by, we hope what you find interests you.
Many thanks to Neptune Probe for an excellent web design layout and for its help in introducting CSS-styled webpages to us. We owe his website a lot of credit for our site design. (However, as of mid-November 2007, the site by William Webb IV appears to have been taken down).
Ben Clarke, Webmaster
Group Members: Bryon Doyle, Azhar Hasan, Manu Raghavan, Michael Smith